I'm Ashwani Kumar.
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I love the idea of open source, web-presence, communication, & making things work. When not giving anything back to community, I enjoy photography, swimming, movies.
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Install Hashicorp Vault on a Credit Card Sized Computer - RaspberryPi

- - posted in Technical | Tagged as security,hashicorp,vault | Comments

We want to discuss about one of growing secret service, which can be used with most of cloud services and DevOps tools. In this guide, will explain about How to Setup HashiCorp Vault on RaspberryPi.

In this blog, we're using the filesystem backend to store encrypted secrets on the local filesystem at ~/Hashicorp/vault-data.
This is suitable for local or single-server deployments that do not need to be replicated. This is not suitable for HA Setup.

Google 2FA With OpenVPN on AWS

- - posted in Technical | Tagged as Raspberry,PI,OpenVpn,AWS,2FA,GoogleAuthenticator | Comments

OpenVPN Google authenticator setup
How to enable Google Authenticator**

The Access Server supports the Google Authenticator multi-factor authentication system, but it is not enabled by default. It can be enabled globally via the admin web service (AS 2.7.4 and older) or via the .Authentication" section (AS 2.7.5 and newer)

Open VPN With LetsEncrypt Certificate

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LetsEncrypt HTTPS Certificates for OpenVPN AS (Access Server)

So you want secure transport using ssl certificate for your openvpn Access server ( the admin GUI) To load a new HTTPS certificate for OpenVPN AS (Access Server), you.ll want to use the ./usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/confdba command. This can be combined with a Lets Encrypt client to obtain free a HTTPs certificate for the AS web server.