SPIFFE Implementation With SPIRE and OIDC Setup

- - posted in SecurityAuthenticationzerotrustztaSPIFFESPIRE | Tagged as spirespiffeoidcworkload identity | Comments

As a solution architect, I'm excited to share my thoughts on two important frameworks in the world of technology - SPIFFE and SPIRE. These frameworks have been gaining popularity in last few years, and they play a crucial role in zero trust and ensuring the security and privacy of data in various industries.

In this blog, I'll not explore the concepts behind SPIFFE and SPIRE and their benefits for businesses. I'll also not discuss how these frameworks work together to provide a comprehensive security solution. Please Read more about SPIFFE and SPIRE seperately. This article is a note to myself how to quickstart a demo for SPIRE and implementation of SPIFFE.

Configure SPIRE Server on Kubernetes

Clone https://github.com/spiffe/spire-tutorials and obtain the .yaml files from the spire-tutorials/k8s/quickstart subdirectory.

Remember to run all kubectl commands in the directory in which those files reside.

Configure Kubernetes Namespace for SPIRE Components

Follow these steps to configure the spire namespace in which SPIRE Server and SPIRE Agent are deployed.

Change to the directory containing the .yaml files.

Create the namespace:

$ kubectl apply -f spire-namespace.yaml

Run the following command and verify that spire is listed in the output: $ kubectl get namespaces

Create Server Bundle Configmap, Role & ClusterRoleBinding

For the server to function, it is necessary for it to provide agents with certificates that they can use to verify the identity of the server when establishing a connection.

In a deployment such as this, where the agent and server share the same cluster, SPIRE can be configured to automatically generate these certificates on a periodic basis and update a configmap with contents of the certificate. To do that, the server needs the ability to get and patch a configmap object in the spire namespace.

To allow the server to read and write to this configmap, a ClusterRole must be created that confers the appropriate entitlements to Kubernetes RBAC, and that ClusterRoleBinding must be associated with the service account created in the previous step.

Create the server's service account, configmap and associated role bindings as follows:

$ kubectl apply \
    -f server-account.yaml \
    -f spire-bundle-configmap.yaml \
    -f server-cluster-role.yaml

Create Server Configmap

The server is configured in the Kubernetes configmap specified in server-configmap.yaml, which specifies a number of important directories, notably /run/spire/data and /run/spire/config. These volumes are bound in when the server container is deployed.

Change service type to LoadBalancer instead of NodePort in the server-service.yaml Add NodeAttestor join_token in server-configmap.yaml

    NodeAttestor "join_token" {
        plugin_data {}

Deploy the server configmap and statefulset by applying the following files via kubectl:

$ kubectl apply \
    -f server-configmap.yaml \
    -f server-statefulset.yaml \
    -f server-service.yaml

This creates a statefulset called spire-server in the spire namespace and starts up a spire-server pod, as demonstrated in the output of the following commands:

$ kubectl get statefulset --namespace spire

NAME           READY   AGE
spire-server   1/1     86m

$ kubectl get pods --namespace spire

NAME                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
spire-server-0                 1/1     Running   0          86m

$ kubectl get services --namespace spire

NAME           TYPE       CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
spire-server   NodePort   <none>        8081:30337/TCP   88m

Create Join Token

Generate a one-time-use token to use to attest the agent:

On Server

Creating a join token to attest the agent to the server A join token is one of the many available agent attestor methods. It is a one-time-use, pre-shared key that attests (authenticates) the SPIRE agent to the SPIRE server. Other agent attestation methods include AWS/GCP instance identity tokens and X.509 certificates. To see a complete list of available attestors, click https://deploy-preview-272--spiffe.netlify.app/docs/latest/spire/using/registering/#1-defining-the-spiffe-id-of-the-agent.

kubectl -n spire exec -it $(kubectl -n spire get pods -o=jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}' -l app=spire-server) -- /opt/spire/bin/spire-server token generate  -spiffeID spiffe://example.org/myagent

Token: db2exxxxx-61d6-428e-8297-1efc0xxxxxx

Make a note of the token, you will need it in the next step to attest the agent on initial startup.

A Join Token is just one of the many available agent attestation methods. To see a complete list of available attestors, click https://deploy-preview-272--spiffe.netlify.app/docs/latest/spire/using/registering/#1-defining-the-spiffe-id-of-the-agent.

Configure Agent on client side (on-prem)

Install agent

Read this: https://deploy-preview-272--spiffe.netlify.app/docs/latest/try/getting-started-linux-macos-x/#downloading-spire-for-linux $ curl -s -N -L https://github.com/spiffe/spire/releases/download/v1.4.7/spire-1.4.7-linux-x86_64-glibc.tar.gz | tar xz Create, and move the SPIRE executables into, a bin directory as expected by the rest of this document: $ mkdir bin $ mv spire-server spire-agent bin

Starting the SPIRE Agent

SPIRE agents query the SPIRE server to attest (authenticate) nodes and workloads.

Use the token created in the previous step to start and attest the agent:

$ spire-agent run -config /opt/spire/conf/agent/agent.conf -joinToken xxxxxc5-4336-456f-8140-05850xxxxxxxx

WARN[0000] Current umask 0022 is too permissive; setting umask 0027
INFO[0000] Starting agent with data directory: "./data/agent"
INFO[0000] Plugin loaded                                 external=false plugin_name=disk plugin_type=KeyManager subsystem_name=catalog
INFO[0000] Plugin loaded                                 external=false plugin_name=join_token plugin_type=NodeAttestor subsystem_name=catalog
INFO[0000] Plugin loaded                                 external=false plugin_name=unix plugin_type=WorkloadAttestor subsystem_name=catalog
INFO[0000] Bundle is not found                           subsystem_name=attestor
DEBU[0000] No pre-existing agent SVID found. Will perform node attestation  subsystem_name=attestor
WARN[0000] Keys recovered, but no SVID found. Generating new keypair  subsystem_name=attestor
INFO[0000] SVID is not found. Starting node attestation  subsystem_name=attestor
WARN[0000] Insecure bootstrap enabled; skipping server certificate verification  subsystem_name=attestor
INFO[0000] Node attestation was successful               rettestable=false spiffe_id="spiffe://example.org/spire/agent/join_token/b4ef1fc5-4336-456f-8140-05xxxxxxx335e" subsystem_name=attestor
DEBU[0001] Entry created                                 entry=9638xxxx-a983-499a-89ea-a6cxxxxxx385b selectors_added=1 spiffe_id="spiffe://example.org/myagent" subsystem_name=cache_manager
DEBU[0001] Renewing stale entries                        cache_type=workload count=1 limit=500 subsystem_name=manager
INFO[0001] Renewing X509-SVID                            spiffe_id="spiffe://example.org/myagent" subsystem_name=manager
DEBU[0001] SVID updated                                  entry=963846e0-a983-499a-89ea-a6c78f3f385b spiffe_id="spiffe://example.org/myagent" subsystem_name=cache_manager
DEBU[0001] Bundle added                                  subsystem_name=svid_store_cache trust_domain_id=example.org
INFO[0001] Starting Workload and SDS APIs                address=/tmp/spire-agent/public/api.sock network=unix subsystem_name=endpoints
DEBU[0002] Starting checker                              name=agent subsystem_name=health

Check logs on server

kubectl logs -n spire $(kubectl -n spire get pods -o=jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}' -l app=spire-server) -f 
time="2023-02-26T14:48:10Z" level=debug msg="Initializing health checkers" subsystem_name=health
time="2023-02-26T14:48:10Z" level=info msg="Serving health checks" address="" subsystem_name=health
time="2023-02-26T15:08:16Z" level=error msg="Invalid argument: join token expired" authorized_as=nobody authorized_via= caller_addr="" method=AttestAgent node_attestor_type=join_token request_id=3c3c4446-89aa-41f5-9f2b-77e86faeceba service=agent.v1.Agent subsystem_name=api
time="2023-02-26T15:08:56Z" level=info msg="Agent attestation request completed" address="" agent_id="spiffe://example.org/spire/agent/join_token/b4xxxxx5-4336-456f-8140-xxxxe9335e" authorized_as=nobody authorized_via= caller_addr="" method=AttestAgent node_attestor_type=join_token request_id=2f2e41bb-1f9d-4ddc-95c5-xxxxxxdd95 service=agent.v1.Agent subsystem_name=api
time="2023-02-26T15:08:57Z" level=debug msg="Signed X509 SVID" authorized_as=agent authorized_via=datastore caller_addr="" caller_id="spiffe://example.org/spire/agent/join_token/b4ef1fc5-4336-456f-8140-05xxxxxx9335e" entry_id=9638xxxx-a983-499a-89ea-a6c78xxxxx85b expiration="2023-02-26T16:08:57Z" method=BatchNewX509SVID request_id=bec5f734-70b3-4e1a-8562-c5ffefce7c1a service=svid.v1.SVID spiffe_id="spiffe://example.org/myagent" subsystem_name=api

Register Workload

On Server

Create a registration policy for your workload In order for SPIRE to identify a workload, you must register the workload with the SPIRE Server, via registration entries. Workload registration tells SPIRE how to identify the workload and which SPIFFE ID to give it.

This command is creating a registration entry based on the current user’s UID ($(id -u)) - feel free to adjust this as necessary

$ kubectl -n spire exec -it $(kubectl -n spire get pods -o=jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}' -l app=spire-server) -- bin/spire-server entry create -parentID spiffe://example.org/myagent  -spiffeID spiffe://example.org/myservice -selector unix:uid:$(id -u)

Entry ID      : ac5e2354-596a-4059-85f7-5b7xxxxxxxxx
SPIFFE ID     : spiffe://example.org/myservice
Parent ID     : spiffe://example.org/myagent
TTL           : 3600
Selector      : unix:uid:501

On Agent

Retrieve and view a x509-SVID This command replicates the process that a workload would take to get an x509-SVID from the agent. The x509-SVID could be used to authenticate the workload to another workload. To fetch and write an x509-SVID to /tmp/:

$ spire-agent api fetch x509 -write /tmp/

Received 1 svid after 2.2703ms

SPIFFE ID:              spiffe://example.org/myservice
SVID Valid After:       2023-02-26 15:18:53 +0000 UTC
SVID Valid Until:       2023-02-26 16:19:03 +0000 UTC
CA #1 Valid After:      2023-02-26 14:47:58 +0000 UTC
CA #1 Valid Until:      2023-02-27 14:48:08 +0000 UTC

Writing SVID #0 to file /tmp/svid.0.pem.
Writing key #0 to file /tmp/svid.0.key.
Writing bundle #0 to file /tmp/bundle.0.pem.

Check logs on Server

Logs: kubectl logs -n spire $(kubectl -n spire get pods -o=jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}' -l app=spire-server) -f

time="2023-02-26T15:19:03Z" level=debug msg="Signed X509 SVID" authorized_as=agent authorized_via=datastore caller_addr="" caller_id="spiffe://example.org/spire/agent/join_token/xxxx336-456f-8140-05850ae9335e" entry_id=e1d7a74d-56b9-4fc2-b5de-0ff48xxx629 expiration="2023-02-26T16:19:03Z" method=BatchNewX509SVID request_id=d36dxxx4bb-466b-afe7-b0f047156317 service=svid.v1.SVID spiffe_id="spiffe://example.org/myservice" subsystem_name=api

You can use the openssl command to view the contents of the SVID:

openssl x509 -in /tmp/svid.0.pem -text -noout
        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number:
        Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
        Issuer: C = US, O = SPIFFE
            Not Before: Feb 26 15:18:53 2023 GMT
            Not After : Feb 26 16:19:03 2023 GMT
        Subject: C = US, O = SPIRE, x500UniqueIdentifier = f7fa051b660xxxx34e54056a8c4e281a
        Subject Public Key Info:
            Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
                Public-Key: (256 bit)
                ASN1 OID: prime256v1
                NIST CURVE: P-256
        X509v3 extensions:
            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
                Digital Signature, Key Encipherment, Key Agreement
            X509v3 Extended Key Usage:
                TLS Web Server Authentication, TLS Web Client Authentication
            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:

            X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption



Make changes to files mentioned below under directory spire-tutorials/k8s/oidc-vault/k8s


apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: oidc-discovery-provider
  namespace: spire
  oidc-discovery-provider.conf: |
    log_level = "INFO"
    # TODO: Replace MY_DISCOVERY_DOMAIN with the FQDN of the Discovery Provider that you will configure in DNS
    domains = ["spire-oidc.myddns.me"] 
    acme {
        directory_url = "https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory"
        cache_dir = "/run/spire"
        tos_accepted = true
        # TODO: Change MY_EMAIL_ADDRESS with your email
        email = "xxxx@gmail.com"
    server_api {
      address = "unix:///tmp/spire-server/private/api.sock"
    health_checks {}


apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
  name: spire-ingress
  namespace: spire
    - hosts:
        # TODO: Replace MY_DISCOVERY_DOMAIN with the FQDN of the Discovery Provider that you will configure in DNS
        - spire-oidc.myddns.me
      secretName: oidc-secret
    # TODO: Replace MY_DISCOVERY_DOMAIN with the FQDN of the Discovery Provider that you will configure in DNS
    - host: spire-oidc.myddns.me
          - path: /.well-known/openid-configuration
            pathType: Prefix
                name: spire-oidc
                  number: 443
          - path: /keys
            pathType: Prefix
                name: spire-oidc
                  number: 443


apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: spire-server
  namespace: spire
  server.conf: |
    server {
      bind_address = ""
      bind_port = "8081"
      socket_path = "/tmp/spire-server/private/api.sock"
      trust_domain = "example.org"
      data_dir = "/run/spire/data"
      log_level = "DEBUG"
      federation {
        bundle_endpoint {
          address = ""
          port = 8443
      ca_key_type = "rsa-2048"

      # Creates the iss claim in JWT-SVIDs.
      # TODO: Replace MY_DISCOVERY_DOMAIN with the FQDN of the Discovery Provider that you will configure in DNS
      jwt_issuer = "spire-oidc.myddns.me"

      ca_subject = {
        country = ["US"],
        organization = ["SPIFFE"],
        common_name = "",

    plugins {
      DataStore "sql" {
        plugin_data {
          database_type = "sqlite3"
          connection_string = "/run/spire/data/datastore.sqlite3"

      NodeAttestor "k8s_sat" {
        plugin_data {
          clusters = {
            # TODO: Change this to your cluster name
            "spire-server" = {
              use_token_review_api_validation = true
              service_account_allow_list = ["spire:spire-agent"]
              service_account_allow_list = ["spire:spire-oidc"]

      KeyManager "disk" {
        plugin_data {
          keys_path = "/run/spire/data/keys.json"

      Notifier "k8sbundle" {
        plugin_data {

    health_checks {
      listener_enabled = true
      bind_address = ""
      bind_port = "8080"
      live_path = "/live"
      ready_path = "/ready"


Change image version to 1.5.4 and readinessProbe to /ready in server-statefulset.yaml

 - name: spire-oidc
          image: ghcr.io/spiffe/oidc-discovery-provider:1.5.4
              path: /ready # TODO: Change this to /ready when using 1.5.2+
              port: 8008

Deploy the OIDC Discovery Provider Configmap

The SPIRE OIDC Discovery Provider provides a URL to the location of the Discovery Document specified by the OIDC protocol. The oidc-dp-configmap.yaml file specifies the URL to the OIDC Discovery Provider.

Before running the command below, ensure that you have replaced the MY_DISCOVERY_DOMAIN placeholder with the FQDN of the Discovery Provider as described in Replace Placeholder Strings in YAML Files.

Change to the directory k8s/oidc-vault/k8s containing the YAML files that describe the Kubernetes deployment and use the following command to apply the updated server ConfigMap, the ConfigMap for the OIDC Discovery Provider, and deploy the updated spire-server StatefulSet:

$ kubectl apply \
    -f server-configmap.yaml \
    -f oidc-dp-configmap.yaml \
    -f server-statefulset.yaml

To verify that the spire-server pod has spire-server and spire-oidc containers, run:

$ kubectl get pods -n spire -l app=spire-server -o \

This should output:

spire-server spire-oidc

Configure the OIDC Discovery Provider Service and Ingress

Use the following command to set up a Service definition for the OIDC Discovery Provider and to configure an Ingress for that Service: ``` $ kubectl apply \ -f server-oidc-service.yaml \ -f ingress.yaml

### Part 2: Configure DNS for the OIDC Discovery IP Address


you will need to register a public DNS record that will resolve to the public IP address of your Kubernetes cluster.

#### Retrieve the IP Address of the SPIRE OIDC Discovery Provider
Run the following command to retrieve the external IP address of the spire-oidc service. The spire-oidc Discovery Provider service must provide an external IP address for Vault to access the OIDC Discovery document provided by spire-oidc.

$ kubectl get service -n spire spire-oidc

NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE spire-oidc LoadBalancer 443:30198/TCP 108s ```

Create a hostname A record in https://my.noip.com/dynamic-dns , point it to public IP address of service in previous step

Verify the DNS A Record

$ nslookup oidc-discovery.example.org

Non-authoritative answer:
Name:   oidc-discovery.example.org

The Address: field at the bottom should correspond to the IP address in the A record.

In your browser, navigate to https://MY_DISCOVERY_DOMAIN/.well-known/openid-configuration. You should see JSON output similar to the following:

  "issuer": "https://oidc-discovery.example.org",
  "jwks_uri": "https://oidc-discovery.example.org/keys",
  "authorization_endpoint": "",
  "response_types_supported": [
  "subject_types_supported": [],
  "id_token_signing_alg_values_supported": [


posted in SecurityAuthenticationzerotrustztaSPIFFESPIRE | Tagged as spirespiffeoidcworkload identity

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