I'm Ashwani Kumar.
I believe in sharing ideas, knowledge.

Coz it's a best way to keep your brain juicy.

About me

I love the idea of open source, web-presence, communication, & making things work. When not giving anything back to community, I enjoy photography, swimming, movies.
Have a look around, read some of my stuff.


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Stack Overflow


Setting Up Octopress Blog Once You Lost the Working Env

- - posted in Technical | Tagged as Octopress,repo,octopress-plugin,octopress-migration | Comments

Hi Guys,

So recently I wanted to revisit my blog after a long long break, and I realized that my working blogging environment broke and I wanted to setup again to be able to blog from both my personal laptop and any other laptop. But to my dismay, it was not that stright forward. Luckily, I had the source folder of my blog with me. It was quite a feat, Hence I thought of documenting it through this post.

MQTT, All You Need to Get Started

- - posted in Technical | Tagged as IOT,MQTT,MQ,Messaging | Comments

So there are numerous post out there for MQTT implementation. I recently did a POC at work, and I wanted to keep a list of things I need to know if I wanted to return or do more with MQTT. Hence this post.


MQTT is a machine-to-machine (M2M)/"Internet of Things" connectivity protocol. It was designed as an extremely

HeartBleed Bug

- - posted in Technical | Tagged as security,openssl | Comments

Hey Guys,

Few days ago, A mother of all bugs in internet world was discovered, a new vulnerability CVE-2014-0160 was announced in OpenSSL 1.0.1.

An encryption flaw called the Heartbleed bug is already being called one of the biggest security threats the Internet has ever seen.