A little while ago , I shared an amazing tool with all of you , Explain Shell.
Today I came across another good resource for the *nix programmers. And it's called , bro pages. Just like man pages,but with readable examples to the commands.
Have a look at the following example command from your terminal, after you install bro pages.
Command#> bro tar # Create a tar archive tar -cf archive.tar file1 file2 ... fileN # Create a tar gzipp'd archive tar -zcf archive.tar.gz file1 file2 ... fileN # Create multi-part tar archives from a directory tar cf - /path/to/directory|split -bM - archive.tar # Extract all files from a tar archive tar -xf archive.tar # Extract all files from a tar gzipped archive tar -zxf archive.tar.gz # Extract one file from a tar archive tar -xf archive.tar the_one_file # Lists all files in a tar archive tar -tf archive.tar
You can find more examples here.
Or better why don't you install it and give a try. Installation is super easy with just one command: "gem install bropages"
You need Ruby 1.8.7+ installed on your machine though for this to work.
You can add your own examples of commands to bro pages by using: bro add curl
You can vote up and down for the commands examples by using: bro thanks to upvote (2) bro ...no to downvote (0) This way, people will see the most rates command examples first with highest votes.
I personally feel, this is a good idea. You should also check it out.
That all folks.
Thanks for reading this far.